القائمة الرئيسية


منح دراسية بكندا تحت إشراف شركة طوطال

$30,000 Walton Scholarships at UBC, Canada – Apply!

The Canadian Council for Arts, Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and the University of British Columbia are partnering to offer this mouth-watering scholarships to selected International Students, PR or Citizens.
This scholarship program was created to support advanced education and research at five Canadian universities and the Canada Council for the Arts.
Those to benefit from this study award are students seeking admission into or those enrolled in Health Sciences, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities.
A total of 15 – 20 students will receive this award of $30,000 per annum and a $2,000 allowance for research-related travel during the 24 months of the scholarship.
How To Apply: Applicants submit their application materials to the College of Graduate Studies.
Applicants may submit complete application forms directly to graduateawards.ok@ubc.ca or submit a hard (paper) copy to the College of Graduate Studies.
